As seniors age they may develop a loss of taste and can eventually lose all sense of taste which is known as aguesia.
Fortunately, complete loss of taste is rare. What most people experience as they age is hypogeusia, a partial loss of taste, or dysgeusia that makes food taste metallic, sweet, sour, or bitter.
Taste loss takes the enjoyment out of food and makes it difficult for seniors to maintain a balanced diet, an essential part of everyone’s physical and mental health.
Since this loss of taste can lead to a decreased appetite, seniors must take some steps to ensure they remain healthy.
Reasons Why Seniors Experience Taste Loss
Many seniors experience taste loss with age. After the age of 60, the chances of experiencing taste loss increase.
Although age is a significant factor in why seniors experience taste loss, there are also other factors, some of which can be mitigated:
- As seniors age they can develop a variety of issues affecting their sinuses such as allergies, sinusitis, and viruses
- Certain medications such as beta blockers affect the sense of taste
- Dental problems go hand in hand with aging and can cause taste loss
- Cigarette smoking kills the taste buds in your mouth
- Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease can affect taste loss
The impact that loss of taste can have on seniors’ physical and mental well-being is profound so a healthy diet should be a high priority.
The Impact of Taste Loss on the Health of Seniors
Loss of taste has a significant impact on the quality of life of seniors. Without taste to motivate seniors to eat, there can be a significant decrease in appetite leading to poor nutrition.
A lot of what we eat is because of the taste. Without that, we lose motivation to eat healthy foods because they simply do not taste right. Over time this can have serious health consequences.
The impact can be so significant that, besides undernutrition, it may lead to depression. Loss of taste and smell also leads to unhealthy behaviors such as eating more junk food or using excessive salt and sugar in your food to enhance the taste. This can hurt seniors, especially those with high blood pressure or diabetes.
It’s also very important to go see your healthcare provider if you are having these issues. Since some causes of impaired taste and smell are treatable, you may be able to get medical help for your situation. Adjustments to medications may be all that’s needed to get relief from loss of taste.
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Tips to Enjoy Meals and Maintain Nutrition With Taste Loss
Fortunately, there are a variety of things seniors can try to help make food more appealing, tastier, and nutritious. Here are some tips that will help make meals more enjoyable when experiencing taste loss.
Drink enough water
A dry mouth can make food taste worse so it’s important to stay adequately hydrated.
Drinking water improves saliva production. Don’t use tobacco products because they can make the mouth dry.
Explore new recipes
As the sense of taste decreases, it’s important to experiment with new things such as herbs and spices. Adding spices and herbs such as ginger, mint, basil, oregano, cilantro, and many others can add new, interesting flavors to your foods making them more enjoyable.
Consider other senses
So much of how we taste is also affected by how we smell. Since the enjoyment of food is often more than just taste, it’s important to try to stimulate our other senses. We can do this by trying different aromas, textures, temperatures, and colors.
Keep your meals healthy
Eating healthy nutrient-dense meals will provide adequate nutrition to those who have trouble eating full-sized meals. Consider going for quality over quantity and eating small meals more frequently.
It’s also very important to avoid too much salt and sugar as these can contribute to other health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
How Nurse Next Door Supports Those Living With Ageusia
Do you know that 24/7 physical and emotional support is available for seniors living with taste loss? Nurse Next Door‘s compassionate caregivers can create a personalized care plan for your loved one and make their life more fulfilling and comfortable through:
- In-home cooking services
- Grocery shopping
- Companionship and personal care
- Support to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle
- Assistance with daily activities
Seniors can maintain a balanced diet and stay healthy even with ageusia. As seniors experience taste loss, maintaining a nutritious diet becomes more difficult but remains essential for overall health and well-being. By making adjustments to their eating habits, seniors can continue to enjoy meals while ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients.
Drinking plenty of water, experimenting with herbs and spices, stimulating other senses, and focusing on nutrient-dense foods can help mitigate the effects of taste impairment. Additionally, seeking medical advice for treatable causes such as medication adjustments or dental care may help. By adopting these strategies and receiving support from professional caregivers, seniors can improve their health and quality of life.